Voices of YA Tag


I was tagged by Leslie Hauser (@LHauser27) on Twitter. Her book, CHASING EVELINE, comes out the same day as FRAGILE CHAOS! (7/11/17) Thanks, Leslie! 🙂

Here’s the game: It’s an online tag designed by @CaitlinALambert of Quills and Coffee and a great way to get to know more writerly folk! So, here are the rules.


  1. Thank the person who tagged you
  2. Link to the original creator
  3. Answer the ten questions
  4. Tag at LEAST two other YA writers/bloggers

So here I go… 🙂


What draws you to YA?

There’s a lot of discovery about ourselves and the world during the teenage years. I love watching it happen on the page alongside magic and fantastical journeys.

Describe your writing process. Do you like outlines and structure, or seeing where the story takes you?

I’m a ‘planster’. My outlines are really vague most of the time. I need to see the whole map, but I don’t necessarily need directions. If I know X, Y, and Z need to happen, I can fill in the blanks as I go. If anything’s wrong, I can fix it later. But one thing is need is to write in order.

How long have you been writing? Where are you in your journey?

I’ve been writing seriously for about 11 years. My YA debut, FRAGILE CHAOS, releases July 11 with Radiant Crown Publishing.

What do you need to write? Coffee? Music?

I used to bounce between needing silence and music. I would also need to have no one else in the room. Then I had kids. Now, just give me caffeine and a keyboard.

If you could offer one piece of advice to another writer (OTHER THAN “don’t give up”), what would it be?

Don’t write for a trend. Write the book in your heart that needs to come out.


What book still has you reeling from its plot twist? (*no spoilers please*)

Two of my CP’s books! Oh my goodness, guys! But in published books–Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan. I mean, WHAT!? Thank goodness I didn’t read it until the trilogy was finished!

What books are you most anticipating for this year?

A Court of Mist and Fury. Just….come on, USPS. Deliver my pre-order already. Also A Flame in the Mist and Now I Rise.

In your opinion, which YA book/series has the most unique premise?

Three Dark Crowns. Sisters that have to try to kill each other to become queen? Yes, please!

What is your all-time favorite quote from YA lit (I know, I’m cruel)?

ONE?! *Hyperventilates* Okay, okay… I know which one it is, but I can’t look it up to get it word-for-word. All my books are in totes right now for le-big move. It’s from The Winner’s Crime (slightly spoilery if you haven’t read The Winner’s Kiss). Arin asks Kestrel something like “Was it the Kiss? Was that the thing?” (that made her leave) and UGH!! Give the characters and the situation, it hit me in the feels so hard! It’s the one line I think of when I think about the trilogy.

What book do you most hope will have a movie adaption?

The Wrath and The Dawn! PLEASE happen!


So, now to all those I tagged… “You’re it!.”

If anyone else wants to play along, comment below with a link to your post!  I’d love to read it!


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